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ESG Data


Overview of the Environmental Impact (FY2022)

Area EIZO Corporation
EIZO MS Corporation(Japan) EIZO Display
Technologies (Suzhou)
Co., Ltd. (China)
EIZO Technologies GmbH
Other sales offices and group companies Total
Hakui Factory Nanao Factory
Category Development andManufacturing of Monitors Production of Circuit Boards Assembly of Monitors Development and Manufacturing of Monitors Development and Manufacturing of Monitors Development and Manufacturing of Monitors
Total Energy Use (MWh) 6,393 2,805 737 289 1,382 642 5,324 17,572
Fossil fuel 1,703 7 2 94 14 350 1,408 3,578
Electricity and heat 4,690 2,798 735 195 1,368 292 3,916 13,994
GHG emission (t-CO₂e)*1 1,311 572 150 142 294 64 1,643 4,176
Water usage (m3)*2 23,095 3,847 3,319 1,073 792 476 32,602
Waste (t) Industrial waste 253.3 63.4 145 3.4 82.4 7.9 57.4 612.8
General waste 9.6 2.7 1.3 0.2 1 2.5 12.8 30.1
Waste paper 281 86.9 196.2 12.2 28.1 10.4 11.2 626.0
Recycling rate of industrial wastes*3 99.1 97.4 99.9
  1. *1 Total of Scope 1 and Scope 2 (market-based) otal of Scope 1 and Scope 2 (market-based)
  2. *2 Scope:EIZO Corporation Headquarters (Japan), two factories of EIZO MS Corporation (Japan)、EIZO Display Technologies (Suzhou)Co., Ltd.、EIZO GmbH、EIZO Technology GmbH
  3. *3 Scope: EIZO Corporation Headquarters (Japan), two factories of EIZO MS Corporation (Japan)

GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Emissions

Scope: All EIZO Group companies (plants, sales offices, other offices)


Scope and Category FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Scope 1 915 805 782 782 19%
Scope 2 5,531 4,270 3,120 3,394 81%
Scope 1+2 6,446 5,075 3,902 4,176 100%
Scope 3 443,716 403,005 431,834 411,207 100%
Category 1: Purchased products and services 167,601 155,309 184,810 194,687 47.3%
Category 2: Capital goods 9,865 8,088 6,885 7,898 1.9%
Category 3: Fuel and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 1,314 1,414 1,360 1,318 0.3%
Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution 3,708 4,356 4,274 4,722 1.1%
Category 5: Waste generated in operations 334 389 388 381 0.1%
Category 6: Business travel 315 321 320 329 0.1%
Category 7: Employee commuting 1,076 1,098 1,099 1,137 0.3%
Category 11: Use of sold products 248,037 221,652 222,174 189,990 46.2%
Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products 418 467 622 1,183 0.3%
Category 13: Downstream leased assets 220 0.1%
Category 15: Investments 11,048 9,911 9,902 9,342 2.3%

Water usage

Scope:EIZO Corporation Headquarters (Japan), two factories of EIZO MS Corporation (Japan)、EIZO Display Technologies (Suzhou)Co., Ltd.、EIZO GmbH、EIZO Technology GmbH

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Water usage(m3 27,511 27,982 28,608 32,602

Resources Recycling

(t)Discharge of Industrial Waste and Recycling Rate

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Industrial waste 481.1 562.0 531.7 612.8
General waste 42.3 38.7 40.9 30.1
Waste paper 576.9 593.0 577.7 626
Total 1,100 1,194 1,150 1,269

End-of-Life EIZO Monitors Collected and Recycled (FY2022, Japan)

Product category Quantity (units) Volume in weight (kg) Recycled volume (kg) Recycling ratio (%)*
Business monitors CRT 11 201.2 150.2 74.7
LCD 232 1,538.4 968.6 63.0
Total/Average 243 1,739.6 1,118.8 64.3
Home monitors CRT 196 3,700.0 2,872.6 77.6
LCD 2,989 21,520.8 16,591.3 77.1
Total/Average 3,185 25,220.8 16,591.3 77.2

*Weight ratio of recycled parts and resources with respect to the processing volume of end-oflife products


Number of Employees

As of March 31

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees
(Including the average number of temporary staff )
2,469 2,468 2,530
Male 1,375 1,370 1,390
Female 1,094 1,098 1,140
Overseas 549 555 561
Male 359 364 371
Female 190 191 190
Japan 1,920 1,913 1,969
Male 1,016 1,006 1,019
Female 904 907 950
Number of employees by function
(including the average number of temporary staff)
R&D 758 742 743
Sales 490 493 505
Manufacturing 875 887 929
Administration 197 196 210
Others 149 143 143
Average length of service(year)*EIZO Corporation,excluding the average number of temporary staff 16.05 16.56 16.46
Average age *EIZO Corporation,excluding the average number of temporary staff 40.05 40.5 40.41

Recruitment and Diversity

As of March 31

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of full-time employees hired New graduates 43 46 42
Male 18 23 14
Female 25 23 28
Mid-career 17 28 71
Percentage of mid-career employees(%) 27.1 37.8 62.2
New hire turnover rate (within the first year)(%) 3.45 0 4.35
Number of managers 201 204 203
Male 176 181 179
Female 25 23 24
Overseas 86 89 94
Male 65 70 74
Female 21 19 20
Japan 115 115 109
Male 111 111 105
Female 4 4 4
Number of mid-career employees (%) 57(49.6%) 53(46.09%) 47(43.12%)
Ratio of female managers (%) 12.4 11.3 11.8
Overseas 24.4 21.3 21.3
Japan 3.5 3.5 3.7
Ratio of Women in Leadership Positions(%) Japan 4.0 4.47 5.5
Number of employees with disabilities 30 34 36
Overseas 8 6 6
Japan 22 28 30
Percentage of employees with disabilities(%)*1 Japan 1.60 1.94 2.09
Number of employees by age group
*Group companies in Japan,excluding the average number of temporary staff
18-29 384 383 401
Male 121 116 116
Female 263 267 285
30-39 426 426 431
Male 251 236 226
Female 175 190 205
40-49 483 466 451
Male 280 277 265
Female 203 189 186
50-59 376 399 407
Male 235 245 254
Female 141 154 153
60~ 36 47 62
Male 32 42 48
Female 4 5 14

Human Resource Development

As of March 31

*Group companies in Japan FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of training courses per person 4.2 5.6 5.8
Training cost(yen) 19,227 17,220 21,600
Training hour(hours) 18 26 22

Work Style

As of March 31

*Group companies in Japan FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Engagement Score 2.4
Average annual working hours(hours) 1,904 1,912 1,908
Paid leave taken(%) 77 81 85
Number of employees who took childcare/nursing care leave 47 67 70
Male acquisition rate of childcare/nursing care leave(%) 20.0 21.7 63.9
Number of employees who used shortened work hours due to childcare/nursing care 43 54 93

Health and Productivity Management

As of March 31

*Group companies in Japan FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Percentage of employees taking mental health leave(%) 1.2 1.0 1.3
Percentage of personal injury and sickness absence:Excludes mental health(%) 2.3 2.4 2.3
Rate of regular health checkups (%) 100 100 100
Stress check rate (%) 85.0 98.0 95.1
Implementation rate of specific health guidance (%) 24.0 38.0 27.1
Health Support App user rate (%) Downloaded 64.0 72.8
Continuous use 29.0 11.3
Health Education Participation Rate (%) 27.0

Occupational Health and Safety

As of March 31

*Group companies in Japan FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of workplace accidents 9 7 5
Lost work accidents 4 2 2
Fatal accidents 0 0 0
Frequency rate (%) 1.09 0.55 0.57
Severity rate (%) 0.008 0.002 0.001

Supply Chain

As of March 31

Responsible Mineral Procurement FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Conflict minerals survey (3TG) Response rate (%) 92.6 96.3 97.3
Number of smelter identified 295 323 332
RMAP compliant rate among the above (%) 82.3 69.0 66.0
Other specified minerals survey (cobalt and mica) Response rate (%) 85.7 91.9 95.3
Number of smelter identified 38 60 74
RMAP compliant rate among the above (%) 26.3 46.7 50.0


Board Composition

On the day following each annual meeting

*EIZO Corporation FY2021
(June 25.)
(June 23.)
(June 23.)
(June 21.)
Board of Directors Number of directors 7 8 9 8
Internal Direcor 4 4 5 5
Independent External Director 3(42.9%) 4(50.0%) 4(44.4%) 3(37.5%)
Female 0(0.0%) 1(12.5%) 1(11.1%) 1(12.5%)
Chairperson Internal Direcor Internal Direcor Internal Direcor Internal Direcor
Audit and Supervisory Committee Number of Committee Members 4 5 5 4
Independent External Director 3(75.0%) 4(80.0%) 4(80.0%) 3(75.0%)
Committee Chair, Chairperson Independent External Director Independent External Director Independent External Director Independent External Director
Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee
*2020.1.31~2021.1.31:Remuneration advisory committee
Number of Committee Members 5 6 6 5
Independent External Director 3(60.0%) 4(66.6%) 4(66.6%) 3(60.0%)
Committee Chair, Chairperson Independent External Director Independent External Director Independent External Director Independent External Director
Operating Officer
*Including directors who also serve as executive officers
14 13 10 10


As of March 31

*EIZO Corporation FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Board of Directors Number of hold times 9 11 10
Attendance rate of independent external directors 100% 100% 100%
Audit and Supervisory Committee Number of hold times 8 10 9
Attendance rate of independent external directors 100% 100% 100%
Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Number of hold times 4 4 5
Attendance rate of independent external directors 100% 100% 100%
Attendance of each director(FY2022) Board of Directors Audit and Supervisory Committee Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee
Yoshitaka Jitsumori, Chairman & CEO 100%(10/10) - 100%(5/5)
Masaki Ebisu, President & COO 100%(10/10) - -
Manabu Arise, Director, Executive Operating Officer 100%(10/10) - -
Thomas J. Waletzki, Director - - -
Masaaki Suzuki, External Director (Member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) 100%(10/10) 100%(9/9) 100%(5/5)
Kazuhiko Deminami, Director (full-time Member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) 100%(10/10) 100%(9/9) 100%(5/5)
Hiroji Takino, External Director (Member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) 100%(10/10) 100%(9/9) 100%(5/5)
Toru Inoue, External Director (Member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee)*Attendance since appointment as director 100%(10/10) 100%(6/6) 100%(2/2)
Masako Osuna, External Director (Member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee)*Attendance since appointment as director 100%(10/10) 100%(6/6) 100%(2/2)

Director Remuneration

As of March 31

*EIZO Corporation FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Directors (Excluding Audit and Supervisory Committee Members) (million yen) 170 190 111
Fixed 83 69 55
Performance-based 87 121 47
Nonmonetary compensation, etc. 9
Directors Serving as Audit and Supervisory Committee Members 32 32 39
Independent External Director 17 17 24

Compliance Training

As of March 31

Number of employees with compliance training (online)
Overseas 489
Japan 2,039


As of March 31

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of Whistle-Blowing 3 7 2
Overseas 2 2 1
Japan 1 5 1